My experience with this shop was about 5 years ago, so maybe they have improved since then.
I had the 'Monroe' piercing done at All Tattoos - 5 days later i had to take it out because the piercer did not put in a long enough bar in, so when my lip swelled, it swallowed the ring/bar in turn infecting my lip.
The back of the ring was a plastic screw, which i learned was NOT standard for piercings - piercings need longer bars with remove able screw-balls, not the flat backs - so when the lip or ear or nose or whatever swells from healing, it WONT swallow the ring.
I called back to let them know what happened, and that it was the fault of the piercer - and they offered to re-pierce me. Are you kidding? go through that pain again? They REFUSED to give me my money back. TERRIBLE service if you ask me.
I posted something about it on a social media site, and someone from the shop contacted me and asked me to not publicly criticize the shop for one persons doing - i told him the piercer sucked - hire someone with a portfolio - and give people their money back - its a piercing - its not like it took him very long - not like it cost you anything. Now i have a lovely scar thanks to my lip swallowing that stupid little earring.
Since then i have been pierced by ThinkIt tattoos in Brunswick and MUCH prefer them. Much more professional.