After care for body piercings can vary. When you live in a salty climate, seasalt is a bit excessive. Salt dries out skin causeing your body to send excess oils to the dried out area for a piercing; this can trap bacteria in the wound site. So for Corpus Christi, Dial Soap not only kills bacteria, but is gentle on the wound site. If you're going to do your research on aftercare, dig a little deeper.
Review Source:Great place!! Very clean and spacious once you walk in and very inviting from the outside of the parlour. The staff was friendly as soon as I walked in with my boyfriend to get my navel pierced. My piercer (girl with black hair) had her assistant sterilize everything and she put on gloves and marked my tummy after cleaning it and we got started. Long story short, I have a flat stomach but a round SHALLOW navel so she had a thick amount of skin to pierce. It hurt like crazy and I screamed but she was very patient and got it done very quickly. I got it done two weeks ago and the ONLY problem I had was driving and sitting for two days after. It's healing like a charm!!
The ONLY complaint I had was her after-care instructions...she told me to use Dial soap and to NOT do sea salt soaks, which are crucial to speeding up the healing process. And Dial PROLONGS healing because it kills the bad AND good cells. Luckily I had done all my research before going in. I use dove unscented once a day and sea salt soaks (H2Ocean when on the go) to clean. That's all.
All in all it was a great experience and pain will differ for everyone. If you have a long, oval/diamond shaped navel you really have nothing to worry about (lucky!) but if you have a deep circular navel with tough skin...the pain is a LOT but only excruciating for about 5 secs haha.
Totally worth it, just do your research on after care :))