Got my tragus done by Misty. She overall seemed to know what she was doing in a professional manner, but she said some comments I found rude and belittling that a piercer should never say to their client. She seemed quite grumpy and itching to leave the studio for the day. I asked her if she autoclaved everything and she said yes, but when I picked out my jewelry all she did was soak it in some alcohol or other sanitizing solution before she put it in my tragus. That is not even close to autoclaving and it does not remove all the dangerous pathogens that could be festering on the jewelry. I really hope that I don't get an infection because of this. The needle was single use and appeared to have been sterilized prior to her piercing me. The piercing cost $50 including the jewelry but not including tip. Since I payed with a credit card, I had to tip her before she did the piercing. If I had known how mediocre she was, I wouldn't have tipped her as much. I won't be coming back to this shop for another piercing.
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