Growing up, it wasn't until high school I was exposed to all the grateful dead garb and culture.
Until I stepped foot in the dream merchant.
I was probably a freshman in high school, something like that, and I wanted a hacky sack. They were all the rage then. I had to get one... you had to have one to be cool.
Where does one get a hacky sack in Springfield, OH? I learned this process early on... ask a local... someone in the know.
Which led me the dream merchant. My mom said she would run me by, so I could buy one. She waited in the mini van, and I walked in the door, into grateful dead stoner oblivion. My paradigm forced me to overlook everything, get the hacky sack, and get the hell out of there! I really don't even remember the details, just the incense and the urge to flee. Ha, God knows what dwelled in the shady corners of that place! No thanks on a tattoo and a 3 foot pipe!
Glad I escaped. As the name implies, no one wants to be stuck in Golgotha... especially a 14 year old!
PS: never include golgotha in the name of your business. it just doesn't have a ring to it, ha.