I stopped by their shop the other day looking for a local artist that would be interested in doing some work for me. They had already been open for two hours and no customers were in the shop, just my luck, I'd get some time to talk with the artist and get a feel for what sort of ideas he had on my piece... That wasn't the case. I asked some questions, looked at some work, and when I explained my idea he just nodded and said, "Sure," while paying more attention to the TV. screen than me. Then he told me to come back "sometime tonight" to work on me without talking over a fully developed design, showing me a sketch, or even recommending an artist at the shop to be -my- artist. Not happening. I didn't expect a sketch right away, but having an idea of what the tattooist is thinking before they put ink on me would have been a courtesy. Hell, just scheduling an appointment would have been enough for me to brush off his obvious lack of interest in my ideas. Needless to say I'm not going back. This would have been my fourth tattoo and third customized piece, so I knew what I was getting into both price and time-wise, but I've never been treated like just money in the pocket. I suppose if you just want some ink this shop is suiting, but I wanted someone who can be my tattooist for a good while. If I'm not worth their time, willing to drop the dough for it, they're not worth mine.
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