Wish I could give them zero stars. Â Now I know why military bases STRONGLY urge soldiers NOT to get tattoos right outside of post. I wanted a word written in white ink on my wrist (I know... So original.) so I called and asked if they'd do it and they agreed. When I handed the "artist" what I wanted, he jumped on the computer to print out the word in some generic Word font. Not cool. Clarified that I wanted it in *my* handwriting and he grudgingly complied. I am half mexican so I was worried that the white might not show up since I generally always have a bit of a tan. He said not to worry, if it faded too much he would redo it for free. Score! Or so I thought. Well, months went by and it not only faded but the ink bled together so badly that it was impossible to read! Went back and I was super nice about it but asked for the re-do. Well, I must have pissed him off because he dug the needle so far into my wrist that he SCARRED me. Asshole. Long story short: I had the tat redone in black by a different shop and I'm happy with the new one but you can still see and feel bits of the old crappy tattoo. :(
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