This is a long time coming. I have had a over 2 years of excellent experiences at Gen X. Ron and DJ have worked on some really amazing pieces.
The shop is so clean you could eat off the floors. Ron has always been pro active with keeping his place tip top. I think he's harder on himself than the health code. In fact, I know it. The place is always immaculate. Its like a doctors office for art.
All of the artists are very professional. On time and always prepared. No attitude like "too cool for school". Just really good artists doing some really good work.
The interesting thing I have seen at Gen X is the combination of "permanent skin art" and a super hygienic business that runs on the creativity and competence of each of the artists. Â You dont make it 16 years without passion and commitment.
The awards on the walls really say it all.
The reality is that if you are looking for something special or if you have something you want to cover up, this is the place for you.
The artists at Gen X do custom work and draw out the majority of their work (if not all).
So, when you are at the pool or someplace and someone says "Wow, thats a gorgeous tattoo! I've never seen anything like it", you can swell up with pride and say "Thanks. I got it at Gen X"
Yesterday I made the three-hour trek from Buffalo, NY to Cleveland, OH to go see DJ Minor at Gen X Tattoo to get a cover up of a very crummy tattoo I got when I was young and stupid and didn't know better - I think a lot of people have those tattoos they want to erase. I could have gone to someone closer, but being that this was a cover up I felt that it was sort of a "last chance" to do things right and I couldn't risk going to someone that wasn't going to do an awesome job. When I came across DJ's work I just loved it and e-mailed him and next thing I knew I had an appointment set up.
The shop: It's in a plaza so there is tons of parking which I always like. It's very clean, new looking, lots of comfy couches and magazines and portfolios that you could look at if you had to wait (which I didn't) - the artists don't have cubicles but they actually have private rooms, which is a nice change from other places I have gotten tattooed so nobody else can see me being a big wiener when it comes to tattoo pain. The other people in the shop that I encountered were all really nice and I didn't encounter the hipster "cooler than thou" attitude that I have seen in some other shops.
The artist: DJ Minor is awesome and didn't waste any time - I went in, he showed me the design, I okayed it and before I knew it the outline was done. MAJOR bonus points for setting up his laptop for me so I could watch Doctor Who! Â Every time we took a little break I would peek at the progress and was SO HAPPY - Â it just kept getting better and better. He was very professional and personable and I didn't feel weird or uncomfortable at any time.
Price: I don't feel it's my place to say the artist's hourly rate here, but I will say that it is on par with what I've found in other cities (REAL artists, not gross scratcher shops).
I still have to go back to finish it and the 3-4 hour drive each way to Willoughby from Buffalo is ABSOLUTELY worth it. I'd even do more than that for this caliber of work. So if you're looking for a great artist check out DJ Minor's work!