Wanted a fun henna tattoo for my girlfriend and I. Found the number on yelp.
Called it.
Met at the address, which was a private apartment where Heera, her husband and their child lived.
She showed us some of her past works which looked amazing. They were almost all neatly henna-drawn patterns on hands, feet and backs.
I told her what I wanted and she started right away. It looked pretty bad when she put it on and didn't at all look like the template I showed her to make. After having her redo it a couple of times, I gave up. I thought: "It will probably look better underneath the muddy thing."
She did the same for my girlfriend. Making things as we asked her to wasn't her thing apparently, but in the end we had something that didn't look too terrible.
We paid her and left.
Mine didn't show at all, probably b/c I'm too tan. She should have known.
My girlfriend's tattoo looks horrible.
According to the pictures she showed us she is pretty good at henning tattoos used in weddings in some cultures, but for us it pretty much just sucked. A lot.
Paid $50 for two tattoos. One is invisible and we only wish the other one was too.