Okay you know that old TV Show Cheers? The theme song was "Where Everybody knows your name" surprisingly enough thats what I think of when we walk into Hogfish. Maybe it's super woman Amanda who somehow manages to do tattoo's, get forms filled out by everyone, help with stencils , greet everyone who comes in the door by name and run payments all at the same time. Or Hector Fonseca the Tattoo Rembrandt as there is nothing this guy can't do with a tattoo gun quieter than the rest but still friendly and engaging, Or it's Dj the rock star piercing specialist whose so much fun and can pierce anything as I just discovered when he pierced Shawn Hagler's eye lid today...could it be the eclectic group of apprentices each with there own personalities...It's not one it's all of them and their fearless, fun, talented leader Cubby....Whether you need a terrific eye catching Tattoo or a conversation piece piercing make friends with the guys and gals at Hogfish they will do a great a job and forever consider you a friend. Thanks for the Tat Amanda it's awesome :)
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