I cannot list enough good things about this studio. Â I may have had less-than-stellar experiences in the past, but Kamikaze, specifically Mike, have set the bar extremely high for any additional tattoo experiences I may have. Â
For starters, the studio is clean, well organized, and when I arrived for my appointment, Mike was already there, prepped, and ready to go. Â Although he needed to reschedule for a couple hours later, he was early in notifying me. Â Mike is pleasant, and we had an excellent rapport during the 4 hour sitting. Â
As for the quality of the tattoo, all I can say is "amazing." Â I received a traditional American tattoo, and the line work and color is outstanding, comparable, if not better, than anything I've seen online (and I did a lot of internet-scouring before I made my appointment).
All-in-all, I cannot recommend Kamikaze Tattoo enough and I will be going back as soon as I have the discretionary income! Â THANK YOU, MIKE!
I decided on this studio based on reviews from multiple internet sources and the recommendations of my friends. My first impression of the shop is that it was spacious and clean with a really good vibe. I talked to Mike about the idea I had, and he seemed really enthusiastic about working with me. He seemed like a super cool, down to earth dude and I was really looking forward to my appointment.
I showed up at the scheduled day and time, and due to some unforeseen circumstances we had to reschedule. This didn't bother me one bit, since I know Mike recently had surgery and working when you're not feeling 100% is just terrible. He also offered to give me a little break on the price of my tattoo, which I thought was really decent of him. I left the shop that day disappointed about the circumstances, but still confident that this was the best place and the best artist for me to have this tattoo.
I showed up for the rescheduled appointment a few minutes early, and he hadn't arrived yet. The shop was closed. I waited for 20 minutes after our appointment time, and he still didn't show. He also didn't call me to say something had happened. The only number I had was for the shop, and as I was leaving I left a message expressing my disappointment and overall dissatisfaction with the situation, asking him to call me. This was over a week ago, and I haven't heard a single word from him to apologize or even acknowledge the fact that he blew off a scheduled appointment. No effort to rectify the situation has been made, and he's the OWNER. At this point there is nothing that could convince me to go back there, I don't care how reasonable the prices are. At least the artists at the more expensive shops show up for their clients.