ATTENTION:This business has not been verified. Due to the ever-changing nature of this industry, it is suggested that you call prior to visiting. I am the business owner
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    Once again, I feel the need to respond to an Owner Comment. I think it's weird that Yelp lets owners comment but does not give us (customers) a means to respond. Okay so here is my response.

    I know Erin that since Jeremy is your husband and the owner of the shop you feel the need to serve and protect his honor, however, you should as a reasonable owner have tried to hear the other side, which is the customer's side which last time I checked the saying was "the customer is always right."

    Your long protracted commentary below failed to take account of several things which I didn't even mention in my review. It didn't explain why he felt the need to walk me (a paying customer) out of his shop just because I asked him for a free touch up which last time I checked is standard in every tattoo shop I've been in. It doesn't explain why he let a customer walk out with shoddy work, that's like letting someone walk out with a bad placement ad. Wouldn't you want your work to be a good representation of how awesome your art is? That's free advertising. But instead he chose to do the opposite. It doesn't explain that he didn't sterilize the area before he started and as he tattooed there was a fly in the room and since then, the tattoo is now infected. It doesn't explain any of these. Instead you've chosen to come on Yelp to argue with my review instead of making amends and apologizing.'s not about the money Sweetie, I've paid more an hour for a tattoo than I paid for 2 sessions with your husband, it's about the principle.

    I've been tattooed everywhere from San Francisco to New York and this is the worst customer service I've ever received in any shop. After this, I swore off Atlanta tattooists, that's how bad the experience was. Sometimes getting tattooed is a little bit more than just the art, it's about the artist wanting to do a great job and most importantly, good customer service. Because trust me, there is very little money in this economy to be mistreated when you're paying for it.

    So listen to me, if you're reading this, don't bother getting fooled by the art on their website, I was, now see me now. Just take your money to Memorial Tattoo, because there's a reason they are number 1 in Atlanta, it's not just about the art, it's about good customer service and someone who would give you a good customer treatment.

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