My original plan was to try and find an Asian to do the tattoo that I had wanted. I wanted a Cherry Blossom tattoo but, I wanted someone who was really familiar with the tree itself and understood the actual beauty of it. The cherry blossom has meaning to most Asians so it was my plan to find one. After trying to find a Asian tattoo parlor and coming up with zero in the queens area I had to move on from my dreams. Lol... I did find it to be weird that I couldn't find one Asian tattoo parlor in all of Queens where there is the biggest Asian population. Someone really needs to look into that. Or is there like some sort of secret society I'm not aware of?! Anyway, I was driving along Francis Lewis Blvd. and noticed this place "Murder Ink" and decided to stop in and make an appointment. As I walked in, I noticed there were 2 Asian Tattoo artist!!!! It was Destiny!!!! After asking to see the guys work and being extremely impressed with his details and how precise he was with his outlining I proceeded to make an appointment. When I got there I showed him a picture of the cherry blossom design I wanted... I also wanted him to put his own flair and colors into it. He looked at the picture once and free handed the design on my shoulder. Wow, was all i could say, he was goooooodddd. Really good! After 2.5 hours of pain we were done and he did an awesome job!!!! The lines are straight and not shaky. The coloring is beautiful and the size is just right. Its my favorite tattoo yet. Yay, to Eddie! He did an awesome job!!!!
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