This shop is fabulous!! My experience went a little like this:
I spent my birthday climbing mountains trying to get a tattoo at several 'well-known' places(Ill keep names to myself) and everyone was incredibly busy and- even worse- rude!! A coworker pointed me in the direction of Pendragon.
Rocky was polite and a friendly and not at all intimidating. He was clear and helpful in setting me an appointment for the day after for my tattoo.
Now the more relevant part- his hand was steady and line work was solid as hell. He let me know that if I needed a break, I could just say the word and wanted to make sure I was fully pleased with the EXACT tattoo I'd had in mind. I am insanely happy with the piece he put on my arm and I would fully recommend him for anyone!!
Not counting this is my sixth tattoo done in a shop ;)