My friend and I's hubby's were on their way to Sturgis, SD on their motorcycles - leaving us behind to care for the kiddos. Â We needed to do something fun and rebellious...so - of course! Get tattoos! Â We spent a few days researching and decided to try out Sacred Chao. Â I was SUPER impressed with the photos on Travis' page. Â We didn't need anything super difficult or detailed (I was getting a new tattoo, friend was getting a cover up). Â Travis wasn't available, but I knew with his talent, he was sure to hire only talented artists as well. Â Sara went to see Doug, and I saw Mallory. Â Everything was super clean, everyone was nice and friendly - and funny! Â Mallory designed exactly what I wanted and we went to work. Â Im a big weenie, so my squeeks and cries, and screams and yelps didn't seem to bother her. Â She did a great job.
I went back for a touch up, as all tattoos need after a month or so. Â My husband came with. Â He's super picky about everything in general - he was really impressed and wants Mallory to do work on his tattoo next! Â
I am working with her here and there on my next big of ink and I can't wait to go back!
What a great experience!
(Oh! and Sara's cover up looked FANTASTIC too!)
I thought the price was perfect also!