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    I don`t want to be mean or rude but let me say I will not be going back. First off the store did not open when they should have. When the owner finally showed up he did not even acknowledge me. After he opened up I asked about the $25 piercing special and asked if it applies to nose piercings, he said yes. I was thrilled, and they had me pay before even showing me the jewelry. I gave a $5 tip to the guy too. Well he showed me the jewelry, it was a small l-stud which should not be used as the first piercing for the nose. But at the time I didn`t know this. I asked if he had anything in silver and he snapped that this was what he had. I said ok, I had already paid after all. His bedside manner was lousy and he did not make me feel at ease at all. I have had a few piercings, and none have bled so I was surprised when my nose started gushing. This is not something directed at the piercer, it was just a shock to me. I know now some piercings will always bleed. I said as much to him though and he snapped that I have never had a nose piercing. I had said it as an observation, not something against him. Well, I left and even though the customer service sucked I was happy with my piercing. Until the next night, when I scratched my nose and the stud fell out and would not go back in. I did not call the piercer back because the customer service was horrible enough that I did not want him to re-pierce me. It is my own fault for going somewhere that did the piercing for $25, you get what you pay for.

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