I recently got a tattoo here from Marty. Marty is a great guy and is so super friendly, he made me feel at home! We chatted a lot about what I wanted and he let me pick ink colors and gave me some insight into which colors would look good.
I got a geology symbol with two crossing rock hammers and a mountain and water and the only thing I didn't like was that I drew one of the rock hammers myself and I asked him to fix it and looking at it now, it doesn't appear that he did what I asked but it's not messed up just not as refined as I'd like.
It's mostly healed now just like a couple little scabs here and there. And it looks really good!!! :) I know I wrote earlier that it was shaky but now that all the outline scabs are gone I realized I was just nervous and it was just the scabs that were grody! I really love it and am thinking about getting another on Friday! I'll let you know what happens!