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    If you're looking for the best tattoo studio in the Pittsburgh area, Bodyworks is it. Don McDonald is a true artist and a really nice guy. He specializes in biomech pieces, but he did a really incredible orchid tattoo for me that was just as good as his biomech stuff.

    You don't have to take my word for it - the fact that I can't wear a short sleeve shirt without a few strangers a day commenting on what a great tattoo I have is pretty good evidence. I can't even tell you how many suburban moms have come up to me in the grocery store and said, "I don't usually like tattoos, but that's beautiful."

    Don's waiting list is about 6 months long at this point, but this is something that you're going to have on your body for the rest of your life. You can take your chances with someone else who might be able to see you next week, but if you really want something amazing, get on the list. It's worth the wait.

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