Bulldogs knows what'sup for piercings and I'm talking bout both locations (Tully and Capitol). I've been directing all my colleagues to their shop and they've all loved their piercing/tattoo outcomes thus so will you *thumbs up*
I got my nape done by Adrian (stationed at Capitol location) about a year ago.... and surprisingly it still hasn't gotten infected (knock on wood!) I purchased my piercing thru a groupon deal but didn't know that it didn't apply for surface piercing BUT he let it pass if I bought additional Jewerly/ cleaning products; what a steal! He was super laid back and easy to talk to as if he was a long time buddy of time; he knows how to keep his customers at ease especially if you're nervous!
I got my double tragus surface piercing done by Jason (stationed at Tully location). Jason kept it real... Unlike other piercing shops he didn't jack up the price and told me straight up not to purchase h20 cleaning products since sea salt is more effective (I just saved myself a couple bucks there!) Jason as well was super friendly and a major jokester!
Not only will you leave the shop w a new bangin piercing but a couple laughs and extra cash to splurge elsewhere woot!
I was hanging out with my friends and decided to spontaneously get a cartilage piercing. Adner pierced my cartilage and he was extremely helpful and kind. He was even patient enough to wait for me and my friends discussing which kind of piercing I should do. I ended up with an industrial and while the pain was there, it was pretty minimum. Adner really knows his work. I would definitely go again. :)
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