I would not recommend this place if you have anything challenging in mind. Â I brought in a maze I drew that I wanted tattooed around my upper arm. Â Was basically laughed at, mocked, and told I would have to go to one of the coasts to get that sort of work done, that no one in Chicago would do it. Â
I knew my project would not be an easy one, but was very much surprised at how quickly I was turned away. Â I guess it would have been much easier if I wanted something typical, like a dragon or butterfly.
I came in today looking just to get a gold hoop and I got much more than a bargained for. Alison (the piercer) went through the whole process of what she was doing so that the hoop I was getting was a custom fit. She fit the hoop so that way it could look as if I had two hoop piercings instead of one when I wanted that look, but for work I would switch it around to one ring! Amazing!
Best part is that Alison didn't even pierce my nose to begin with, but still gave me a status on its healing process and what to do to keep it healthy. She also gave my a punch card with her to redeem points with her as the piercer. Sure wishing I went to her to get the work done in the first place. MUST see her- she's amazing.
This place is the bees' knees. I went to Dave (David McNair), who hums a little bit very quietly for about eight-and-a-half seconds at intervals of fifteen to twenty minutes and does gorgeous, precise detail and line work. Sometimes the humming can sound as though he is making like a quiet "uh oh" grunt -- don't be alarmed.
I sent in the image I wanted to work with the evening before I went in, and we did a quick consult the day of before getting down to business. Really comfortable waiting area. There were about four people working while I was there and they were all sassing each other which made for an open/warm/non-intimidating environment. (They also let my boyfriend come back with me and squeeze my hip the whole time because I'm a goddamn pansy even though this wasn't my first time. On that note, for any ladies or hairless gentlemen or otherwise-identified-folk out there, if you ARE thinking of getting your first tattoo and are worried about the pain level, I will say this: It is nothing, like absolutely nothing, compared to getting your business waxed. If you can handle getting the hair ripped out of your vagina, this will feel like a frickin' breezy ink tickle.)
Anyway, I am SO HAPPY with how my tattoo turned out -- even better than I'd imagined, thanks to Dave's experience and knowledge of what works and what doesn't when transforming a drawing on paper into something that will look great on your skin and stay looking great for as long as you both shall live and sag etc.
My tattoo (about five inches, inner bicep, bearded man with a bird on his head, tons of stippling) came out to $160, which might sound steep but honestly I believe is incredibly reasonable given the level of detail, the quality of the work, and the focus required. Also the fact that this place is clean and professional and probably won't give you AIDS. You're getting art, people! On your body! Forever! Performed live and on demand! Buck up!
Chicago Tattooing Company is great, Dave is great, tattoos are great, everything is great. Come to here.