I went into the old Enigma studio with a "rough vision" of what I wanted for my second tattoo. Mike Rush stepped right in, drew up EXACTLY what I was hoping for, and took his time tattooing me. He gave me time for breathers, and talked to me through the entire process. As an added bonus, he didn't charge me nearly as much as his talent is worth. He is an incredible artist. I will go back to him and ONLY him for my future tattoos.
Review Source:It was my first tatto so i was little nervous. Mikah was my tatto artist, he did a really great job, he customized my design so nicely. The result was better than i expected and the price was very reasonable compared to other parlor around. All the other guys who works their seems really nice and friendly. I would highly recommend Enigma.
Review Source:Well, there's probably a reason there are no reviews on this place.
I got my first (and only) tattoo here. I had been thinking about getting it for years and was finally ready to go and commit. It was when I lived in West Co and my first choice was All Star, but they were closed that night because there were off doing some tattoo convention. I should have just waited, but I really wanted to do it that night.
I reluctantly traveled a little further east to Iron Age, where they wanted to overcharge me (surprise, surprise). I just wanted some small, simple lettering on my upper back (about 6 or 8 inches across), just black ink, no frills, and they wanted to charge me $160. Screw that noise.
So I went and checked out this place across the street. If this is the business I'm thinking of, it's the one on the second story.
The place was clean, and the staff were generally very nice, they took my walk-in, and the price was right ($80, which is exactly what I was expecting) but they botched my tattoo.
I gave him the printout from my computer. Exact font I wanted. He just had to friggin' trace it. And he couldn't even do that.
I swear he must have had a history of a stroke because he could NOT copy the letters worth two shits. I was so confused by his inability to trace. He traced the lines but was unable to do the thickened parts of the letters (to make it look like, ya know, calligraphy?). Eventually I just said, "Let me do it." And I sat behind the counter and worked on my own damn tattoo. But he had kind of messed up the stencil by this point and I no longer had my original and NOT BEING A TATTOO ARTIST, I did the best I could, but it still wasn't quite right. I explained to him that I wanted the letters to be thin on the serifs and thicker in the middle (is that so hard to understand? I showed you the font!). And he said, "Oh, yeah it will thicken up when I actually use the needle."
I thought he was finally pickin' up what I was throwin' down and I went for it. But in the end I think he meant the pen stroke itself will be thicker than a pencil. He did not understand what I was talking about. I had reservations and I should have ran right then and there. But I was so geared up to get this tattoo tonight that I went for it. Big mistake.
Long story short, it looked like a 4th grader practicing cursive on my back. I said, "That's not what I pictured." His condescending response? "Well, you don't want some computer font anyway." Wow. Fuck you, dude.
Even though I went home and bawled my eyes out that night because I hated my tattoo, I have since come to embrace it and love it. It looks like I am just so awesome and chill that I told a tattoo artist to freehand in whatever style he wants, ha. I keep the real story to myself.
I should have done my research, but I was in college and it was my first tattoo, so sue me. I was getting advised by my tattooed friends on price, but maybe I got what I paid for. One of these days I will get it touched up by a more talented artist. I don't hate my tattoo anymore, but I am definitely going somewhere different for my next, and I'm never going to this place again. Not when there are so many better places in the area.