I came to Forever Forward this past friday for my 4pm appt to get my lip pierced, The first thing that bothered me was when I asked if they would take my credit card and the guy says "Shit it would really help if you gave cash" and next I asked "How much is the piercing going to cost" and they didnt even know!!!!! They said to ask the piercer when he got there! So then I waited about 10 minutes when the guy at the desk hands me their phone and says "Here talk to the piercer" the piercer proceeds to then tell me he was confused and went to the wrong location because he didnt know who he was speaking to earlier on the phone and that he would have to pierce me the following day(Saturday), well as i handed their phone back to them and turned around to leave the shop no one even apologized for wasting my time! To top this experience off the following day I believe they were not even open because I never heard from them and I even called 4 times and no one anwsered. I just think it was a big waste of time with horrible customer service.
Review Source:Since first ink done by Mark Masters @ Forever Forward in San Mateo, I've been back to have Mark do another good size ink and a cover-up on an old ink (40+ years old). The first ink is another part of my ancestry which is Iroquois. Though is a fairly straight forward design of the Iroquois flag on a peace shield. There were hella lot of sharp angles and geometrics. Mark again hit this one out of the park. The lines are perfectly straight and solid. The angles are perfect in the degree. Being there is a sun and moon in the design, Mark used his skills as a true artist and added  shading from the correct light source. A simple design, maybe. Execution is FIRST rate..
The third tattoo is a cover-up. The old ink was a mess, plain and simple! it was a chinese dragon that was misshapen and faded and yet parts of the outline still strong in some parts, and fairly large.. I liked the idea of the dragon originally ,but wasn't sure of what to have as a cover-up. Mark designed a new dragon for me. It's incredible!!!! even after he put just the outline on, the old ink disappeared by 75%, with each session more and more of the old ink vanishes. First was the black smoke shading, hey where was my old ink? When Mark added the colours and the muscle structure, "Holy _ _ _ _!!!" The old ink was 1000% GONE! completely. no show through, after 40 years i don't even know where it even was..
This new ink is an awesome dragon. Correct in anatomy. Perfect line work. Packed and intense colours and colour balance. It's Japanese Traditional, it's new school, it's American Traditional, it's shaded light and dark where it should be.. it's a true statement of Mark's all round talent.. I actually feel asleep when he was working on me, that's how good his hand is, he has the latest machines and an art gallery in place of a common "tattoo shop" Good vibes, Really good ink, and a Great Artist..
My recommendation is if you are looking to get an ink, go visit the other guys first, you'll see MARK IS THE BEST!!!!!