Needing to feed my ink addiction, I went to Freedom Tattoo.I was getting another finger tat, and I get nervous since it's an area easily noticed. I totally needed someone I could trust. I went to Keoni and he did a great job! Will definitely be back.
As I was waiting to get my design drawn up, I browsed the books. Everyone had great work, some great cover-up jobs too. Reasonable prices and nice peps who work there. 5 stars from me.
Oh, ya, make sure you don't park behind the bike shop.
Don't know about their tattoos, but I would absolutely run at the site of this place when it comes to a piercing. Just thinking about the service and lack of knowledge their so called "piercer" had makes me want to scream. They are the reason I joined this site. My sister and I went in on my birthday to pierce our septums. The piercer, cant remember her name but she had died black hair and bright green eyes, was very sweet and friendly. She showed us the jewelry & explained the prices. My sister made it clear to this woman that she would need to have the jewelry be small enough so that she could flip it up in to her nose to hide it for work. The piercer insisted that the jewelry would do this, and even suggested a certain type. Me, having more experience with piercings and all that, knew it wasnt right, so I decided to instead get my cartlidge pieced (right above my tragus piercing - I always wanted this). there was also the fact that they only had 1 clamp to pierce with, and if we both wanted to get it down we would have to wait an entire hour for the clamp to be thoroughly sanitized before doing the other person's piercing.  I warned my sister but she went ahead and agreed to have it done. The jewelry turned out to be GINORMOUS in my sisters nose - something she CLEARLY didn't like. As the piercer finished the job, I think she realized she had screwed up and said something like "oh no, I don't think this will be able to flip up". As my sister sorta "freaked out", I went ahead and had her do my cartlidge, still feeling a little bit iffy about the whole situation. It took her LITERALLY 25 minutes to find the other end of the whole after she had completely stuf the needle in my ear. She used the jewelry  and fished around in my cartlidge to see if it would make it out the other side. It hurt so bad it made my eyes water, and this excruciating pain went on for 25 minutes (we knew because my sister started watching her cell phone clock after 5 mintues went by), while she screamed cuss words the entire time. It finally went through, and I wasn't charged for the piercing, however...I ended up taking out the jewelry because of the massive infection that occured which was impossible to heal due to the damage and scarring that was done with the jewelry.  I followed the specific cleaning instructions and have always been smart about it and it still rejected was painful to the touch up until the day I took the jewelry out (and weeks thereafter!). After she finished my cartlidge, I decided to buy a new nose ring. I lost mine the day before and since I have had it pierced for about 5 years now, the hole won't close up. I got the ring, and she asked if I wanted her to put it in for me. I said yes figuring she was a piercer and would be able to do it better than me. Big mistake. It took her fifteen minutes to get the damn thing in, insisting that my hole had closed up. I kept telling her I knew for a fact it hadn't. 15 minutes it took her...when I put it in myself it takes about 3 seconds. She finally finsihed and I looked in the mirror. The loop was way to small, pinching my nose and making an indent! The end of it (which is supposed to be inside of your nostril), came up alsmot halfway up my nostril! I kept asking if it seemed to small for my nose and she said "well I can bend it for you". At that point, I didn't want her touching my face anymore. She told my sister if she needed the jewelry to be replaced with a smaller one to come back to her apartment and she'd do it herself. Talk about unprofessional. She jotted down her number and told her to give her a call. We payed, gave no tip and left. My sister took her piercing out when she got home because of work. My nose ring fell out. I eventually took out my cartlidge ring because of the pain and infection. 55 dollars wasted. Weeks later I went back in to the shop and asked for my money back. She was very rude and obviously upset about having to refund me. She kept saying "well your sister should have come to my house to get a new ring", when all the while I wanted to say WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD GO BACK TO YOU AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO US!?!??! After some very polite arguing she finally gave my full refund. Another couple weeks went by and we found out through the grapevine that that girl is the receptionsit. I would never recommend this place to anyone. Spend the extra five bucks and get real quality work done. I pierced my nose myself in 7th grade and did a better job than this broad. DON'T GO HERE BY ANY MEANS. Once again, this only goes for the piercings, but in my opinion, a business should be well-rounded in all aspects of the services they offer, not just one. Saw one guys tattoo from here that had faded! Just stay away. You'll regret it. One star for the WORST tattoo place I have ever been to.
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