**This review is for Dion, who apparently has the MAGIC TOUCH**
Came in here about a year ago to get my nose re-pierced. Twice before, I've gotten it pierced, and twice before had to take the jewelry out and let it close because of constant infections and keloid scarring. I didn't have the highest of hopes that this piercing would be any different but I had the scar on my nose anyway and wanted to try hiding it with a little stud again. Dion did the piercing and was very professional and polite, bearing with me when my nose decided to pour blood all over the place in a most embarrassing display of ick. It's been a year and aside from a brief initial infection caused by my taking the piercing screw out too soon and probably not disinfecting the replacement bone well before putting it in, I have had NO issues in an area that has been notorious for issues. That's the magic touch #1.
A couple of weeks ago, I made an impromptu appointment with Dion to have some coloring-in done on a large tattoo that I started two years ago but still isn't finished. Four hours passed like it was nothing. I even had him touch up some older tattoos that were starting to lose their luster. Dion uses a rotary machine, so it was a really quiet four hours (aside from conversation) that seemed to just fly by. He corrected some color issues in the original work that had been bothering me, too. The amazing thing here, though, was the healing. I have a lot of experience with tattoos and this was the best heal time EVER. No scabbing, no problems whatsoever. I *always* scab (I think it is because I am prone to keloid scarring). Not this time. That's the magic touch #2.
Oh yes, I would be remiss without mentioning that he is VERY easy on the eyes. My, is this man handsome. I have a personal preference of NOT being worked on by the type of guy I would cringe at if my daughter brought home. I also prefer being worked on by someone that is older than some of my tattoos - some of which are definitely older than the majority of people who will read this review, no doubt.
And speaking of my daughter, the highest compliment I could pay someone in this business is having the utmost confidence in trusting them to work on my offspring. Yes, Girlspawn has an appointment with Dion, who is currently working on designing her next piece. I'm sure it will be awesome.
Random observation: while I was here for the tattoo, I can't count how many calls and walk-ins were related to fixing things done by other places.
This place has ruined my back and my ankle. Total hack jobs and on top of it I found out I was over charged. Do your self a favor and stay away from no talent dirty shops like this. Maximum tattoo in Deerfield has fixed and saved all my tattoos! Thanks to them I have beautiful tattoos! Â I would give this shop zero stars if I could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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