Was the last customer here at like 10:50 and they were very accomodating. I got my second helix piercing done by Tom. She was very funny and easy to have a conversation with, and explained the cleaning and piercing process very well. I thought it was very considerate of her to emphasize she wouldn't pierce me till I was ready. I only paid $30 for the piercing. Even though they don't accept cash they have an ATM right outside the building. I would definitely come back again.
Review Source:I had an idea in mind for a large tattoo on my left arm (goes from my shoulder to my elbow) and I wanted it to be, well, classy.
I went to several tattoo shops before settling on The Salty Dog. Nick did my tattoo and rocked it. It looks like a painting on my arm. He wasn't very heavy handed, either. At least, I was concerned about my ability to withstand many hours of work. It was totally tolerable, which was good since I spent a little over 7 hours total being worked on.
He didn't do an outline in black (he used color) so it looks very much like someone painted on me with acrylic paint. It is a realistic chili pepper plant with honey bees.
My fiancé had John (I think?) do an outline of a bike near the crook of his arm and that turned out good as well. I've heard straight lines can be difficult for inexperienced guys. So, I think it goes to show that these folks have a lot of know-how.
I thought the prices were fair, too. I asked about prices at other shops I went to and they were either similarly priced or more expensive. But it's hard to say this place is affordable. I mean, you pay for what you get, ya know?
And I'm pretty darn happy with the way mine turnedout. It represents something special to me, and it's been a conversation piece everywhere I go, which is exactly what I wanted.