I hate to do this, because I do love Smitty... when I lived here 8 years ago and he still had his shop on 6th I got a beautiful tattoo for a great price... but recently I came back for a birthday tattoo... I was committed to spending nearly 200 for the simple tattoo that I wanted, so when the artist quoted me considerably less I felt pretty lucky. Well that's where my luck ran out, not only did he make me sit around for nearly 2 hours, each time he brought me the draw up for my tattoo I was less than impressed... I should have just taken the loss of my deposit and left, but I felt like he was doing me a favor. Each time he tried to fix it he came back about 20 min later with not much difference. He said the final piece would look much better and it didn't. Over all I am  not ashamed of the piece, it is ok, but I still feel like it's not what I really wanted and it's probably partly my fault for not speaking up, but artists sometimes have that air about them like you're insulting them by asking for something different. It's my body though, right? Ultimately one artist doesn't represent a shop, and I think Smitty has some really talented people working for him, but make sure that you know what you're getting and you get what you pay for. Lesson learned.
Review Source:I've been utterly devoted to "my" tattoo artist on the eastside for years, so naturally I was nervous going someplace new. But I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and care I got here. Jesse took great pride in my tattoo, even if it was a dorky foot tattoo. He took the time to redraw it into something that was way awesomer than I had expected. I would absloutely reccommend this place to anyone... they're all custom... need I say more?
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