I went to Tattoo U --- 6 years ago and got my tattoo done. The guy did a wonderful job. He understood that this tattoo with my daughters name on it meant and was the most important thing for me to get done. My problem is that he stated he wasn't going anywhere cause I said if I have another child I wanted him to add the name on it. Then I found out that Tattoo U closed. I am now looking for the artist who did my tattoo 6 years ago at Tattoo U in Fremont so that I can add to it. Unfortunately I suck when it comes to names and don't remember it. I don't even think I knew it as I expected that tattoo parlor to stay open. So if you are the previous owner or you worked there 6 years ago, or know the names of the artists that worked there then, please contact me so that I can find out who did my tattoo and find him to add to it. I also need it reshaded as it went very light. Thank you everyone. This is important to me as it has my children's names on it. Contact me at <a href="mailto:ajqte@hotmail.com">ajqte@hotmail.com</a>
Review Source:I came here 4 years ago to get my lip pierced. Mistake.
Some chick pierced it, no clue what her name was, but she said she's been piercing for years, I trusted her, and yeah... MISTAKE.
She pierced me, and some bright spark went off in her head that said, "your lip will FOR SURE swell twice the size, I will need to put in the lip ring" then she proceeded to show me the lip ring.... IT WAS HUGE... But she swore up and down to trust her, and that once the swelling went down, she would swap it out for the ring of my choice... Mind you, the ring she put in was practically a HOOP earring... MY BAD for listening to her... HER BAD for being inexperienced... Long story short, the ring was so big, that it would lay down on its side because my lip NEVER swelled. And after 3-4 days of just laying flat, my lip ended up healing that way.. So when I replaced the ring with the correct size 2 weeks later, the ring would not sit in the middle... The piercing itself was forcing the jewelry to lean... 5 rings later, all different shapes and sizes and PRICES, I went to a respected piercer who advised me to just take it out if I did not like the way the jewelry sat, and that there was no way to fix it.... So after all that, I now have scar tissue, and can no longer pierce the center of my lip.... Thanks inexperienced Tattoo-U "piercer" - you suck.
Yeah, I would never go back....