After spending $200 on a basic tattoo and having the color immediately fade out, I was told to come back in for a re-touch.  The problem is that each time I called I was put off and put off and put off.  I'm not stupid, I knew I was getting the run around but I didn't let that detour me.  I spent good money and a significant amount of pain and healing time and I didn't like the half a$$ed work I got in return.  Finally he made me a tentative appointment for Saturday and told me to "text him throughout the day on Saturday" because he was "working on a portrait and didn't know when he'd be done."  After my second text to him, I got a really mean and VERY inappropriate text message from him calling me "high maintence and rude" and straight up told me to "let someone else fix your tattoo".  Seriously... this is how you conduct business?  For all the times I wanted to be rude and/or call him out when I knew he was jerking me around, I didn't.  You don't tick off the guy with the tattoo gun.  I'd respect him more if he would've just straight up told me to get lost but instead he jerked me around for weeks and then  made it personal.  That, my friends, is not good business sense.  I have the texts and the pictures to prove the work was less than stellar.
Just make sure that you know you artist and remember that for every good picture they post, there are always a load of others that are not worthy of publication. Â I'm curious to know who else has been done wrong by him cause that's a poor way to do business.
I'm not a woman scorned, I'm not jaded... I was done seriously wrong and I only hope this makes someone else think twice about walking into a shop knowing that the follow up (should there need to be any) won't be there.
By the way, I'm talking about Justin James. Â Co-owner.