For my first tattoo, I wanted lettering of a Latin inscription over my shoulders. I walked into Zebra's because it was one of the few places I knew of. The counter staff and one of the artists had a distant, "too-cool-for-you" attitude, so I looked over the artists' catalogs by myself in search of quality ink. I was seriously impressed with Brian's work, especially with his lettering, and when I asked who he was I was pointed to the nicest guy in the room who was treating his current clients with an extra dose of professionalism. How you do one thing is how you do everything.
During our first meeting, I gave Brian the basics what I wanted, but felt like I skimped on a few details (i.e., I wanted vines over the lettering). But when I walked in the second time, he had basically read my mind and had done a great job outlining the inscription with badass foliage. I handed him a printout of what I envisioned the final product to look like, and for our third meeting he combined both ideas and took it to a next-level, out-of-this-world stencil! Despite being seriously impressed, I asked for one extra modification to his drawing (enlargement). He did that like he did the other mods: with zen-like patience and the humility of a true craftsman.
Finally, the tattooing itself was excellent. Brian is a great artist, and was very open about the process (needles used, pre-ink application, techniques being done for each section, etc). I spent most of the time zoning out, but when I felt like talking or coughing, he was accommodating for both. I left with clear after-care instructions and a free touch-up waiver, but I don't think I'll need it - the quality of the body art is unreal!
Came in today to get my tongue pierced. (Walnut creek store) What a great experience. Guy at the counter was very nice and knowledgeable. Gal who did it was quick,friendly and very knowledgeable as well. Numbing spray was the worst part tastes awful but I'm a baby for piercings even though I have a full sleeve of tattoos. My only concern is that its only been an hour or so yet the bar doesn't look like there's any room left incase it starts to swell up,hopefully it will be ok. ( wonder if they gave me the wrong length bar) Anyways, when I came before last year to get my nose done,staff wasn't as friendly so great job on the improvement guys!:) I think sometimes the "judgemental stares" are really just the staff checking out and admiring whatever tattoos and body modifications you have. (Was complimented on my sleeve and short blonde buzzed hair. Thank you Zebra staff! Now,just gotta deal through the swelling over the next few days!:)
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