I've been to quite a few shows here...in the alley, behind Mercy Seat. I didn't know it had a separate address and a Yelp page, or I'd reviewed it ions ago.
Here's the kick ass list of people and bands I've seen here: Faster Than Hell, the Flying Burrito Brothers, countless of people on First Fridays, and bands I had a beer too many to remember their names. Loudness, lot's of loudness. Rock and Roll with alot of metal. Which I happen to like at times.
This is a really cool, beat, place. It's small, intimate, dirty, outside, free. It is an alley with a small stage in the back. They string lights, so you have some lighting. There's stage lights as well. Â If there's ever a place that defines Dive, this location does. Outdoors, so you need to wait until spring for it to be open again, as I am writing this in December.
It's cool cause you have to look for it, just go through the back door at the Czar Bar, and turn left. Parking is iffie, but that's with anything downtown, the Crossroads is a bit better on parking. It is behind Mercy Seat, like it says. Just listen for the metal, and you'll find it.
Where I come from, alleys are places to avoid, not flock to or gather in (unless you were into unsavory activities of course. I used one once to throw up in, thanks to a bout with walking pneumonia making it all but impossible to eat without coughing violently. OK, I guess you didn't need to know that).
So, add this to your "Only In Kansas City" list...
The concert series in the Alley Behind Mercy Seat is yet another interesting element to First Fridays in KC. Live, outdoor music...in an alley! And *good* music at that (OK, I'm a bit biased, since I'm reviewing this after Friday night when the Latenight Callers played here). And they fire a grill and hand out beer, if you're so inclined (say the free wine and cheese at all the galleries ain't your thing).
No entry fee. No hidden charges. All ages (Yours, Truly forgot her ID so when the biker guarding things in the alley sternly told me I wasn't allowed to have any beer, well, I wasn't about to argue).
Oh helllls yeah! Don't miss it next First Friday!
This is about my favorite thing ever about summer in Kansas City, and I just had a nice little taste of it last night. Every First Fridays some kind folks put on an awesome party in the alley behind Mercy Seat and Czar Bar and whatever else is right there. Music, booze, people and urban grit? A recipe for a great night out. You'll know you're in the right place when you walk up and see the bikers, their motorcycles strategically parked to create a pinch point for carding people.
There's a teeny tiny stage built, and the bands start playing once the sun goes down. Last night was one of my personal favorites, The Good Foot. Typically i'm not a huge cover band fan, but really, what's better than a group of really talented musicians doing their renditions of Motown? Not much, i tell ya! These people put on one hell of a show, and while i've seen them many times at Czar Bar or The Levee, it was awesome to see them in such a tiny space. Seriously, check these people out.
<a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F%23%21%2Fpages%2FThe-Good-Foot%2F162699541241%3Fref%3Dts&s=a280a974f42734e69f29eab3487ecbf84b6794ef6ab83e54d59f948193818496" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.facebook.com/…</a>
Oh! And there's free beer! Local brewery Flying Monkey is sponsoring these monthly shows and are providing free booze. Just don't forget to tip your bartender! Be warned, it can run out early. Last night it was gone by 10:30 or so.
There's something to be said for doing things in locations partly hidden, and i think this definitely fits the bill. Check it out before it gets too big for the space.