After doing a psychotic amount of research, I went to Fat Cat for my first tattoo a few years ago. I just walked in, and they were willing to take me there and then. I showed Mr. Beans a few pictures that I liked, and he asked me some questions and began sketching. It was a lot bigger than I originally wanted. But it was also so much better, so I decided to go for it.
I was insanely nervous about the pain factor, and Mr. Beans was really kind and understanding about that. I was surprised to find that it really didn't hurt. We talked while he worked, which made the time go by pretty fast. I thought he might be judgy about the tattoo, since it is kinda of cliche and I got talkback from other artists in the city. Â But there was none of that there.
Fat Cat is a super chill place, which is important for me. It is really clean, and all of the guys there were very nice. I also thought the prices were very reasonable. I definitely won't go anywhere else for my next tattoos!
After Googling and Yelping for several tattoo parlors in Astoria, because who wants to go out of their borough for a tattoo, I found the review for Fat Cat tattoos pretty pleasing. People seemed to enjoy the tattoos, the artists, and the prices which all seemed pretty fair. I walked in for an initial meeting and was put off for a minute. It appeared that due to the fact that I wasn't covered head to toe in tats, I have two others that are simply not visible, TRAMP STAMP, just kidding, that they didn't want my business. I talked with one of the artists who wasn't really helpful with finding a font and told me to do my own research. If I didn't know what I already wanted I would  have been really put off by this. But research I did and I returned to the shop a new man!
I met with a different artist who I showed the font I wanted for my tattoo and he was a lot more helpful than the original artist I spoke to. I'm sorry I don't remember any of the names, but I am just terrible with them. I handed him my idea and we made the appointment. I arrived a week later and was a bit dismayed that he had not drawn anything up so I could look at it before getting inked. However, he did draw something up and he knew exactly what I wanted. I was pleased and a little taken back by just how quickly he drew something up.
While needling me, he was calm and appeared please to be talking to myself and my girlfriend about tattoos. He was meticulous and concentrated to ensure that he got every space within the tattoo filled with his beautiful ink. He allowed for breaks, which I needed a few of, and didn't seem put off by the fact that I was a bit of a pussy while getting my tattoo. He even charged me 50 dollars less then what he originally estimated. I love saving money especially when I pay for something that I feel is worth more.
Now, you might be wondering why I didn't give this place a 5 star review, because it has just about everything that would make it appear to be a 5 star tattoo place but there is one glaring thing that my artist did not do. He did not show me a brand new needle before it was taken out of the package. I have two other tattoos and both time I got them I was shown the brand new needle as it was being taken out of the package. Fat Cat tattoos did not do this. I am not a a health freak and I do not fret over a little cough but this is a policy that Fat Cat should abide by. If they are reusing needle, then my blood could be mixed with someone else's, I don't believe they are reusing needles but I am not 100% certain that they didn't use the one they used on my for a prior client. Reused needles can lead to infected tattoos and an infection as well. My tattoo, so far, is infection free however this little slip up could have major consequences for this parlor.
All in all, this is a good looking tattoo and I really enjoyed the price as well as the shop I received it in.