Quick, decent service and reasonably priced. However, I can't get over what I saw on my last visit, December 2012. I went into the restroom and there were bugs, I think cockroaches, crawling on the walls, sink and toilet. I noticed more bugs crawling on the walls just outside the restroom area. I left there feeling dirty. The cleanliness of this business is horrible. If you can overlook the bug issues then this place is okay. I won't be going back.
Review Source:I have been a loyal customer for about a year now. I would have rated them before but I just didn't feel they were * spectacular * in any sense. The girl who usually did my eyebrows was quick and efficient, though, she was not always consistent. She knew what she was doing, no doubt. My eyebrows were always a different shape when I left from the last time she did them. That's not to say they looked bad. They always looked good and were clean (no need to even use tweezers!) and were trimmed. I went here because it was fast, cheap, and close to work.
2 days ago I went in to get my brows cleaned up. My usual girl wasn't there. I should have left.
I went in after the lunch hour rush because I had planned on asking her to wash her hands before she started (why is it so hard to find a place where they WASH between touching clients faces/open pores/greasy skin?! Is is so much to ask that they follow sanitary procedures?!) and to maybe wipe my eyebrows with something to clean them before they started ripping hair out of my skin. Simple right? Well, the girl didn't understand what I was asking. So I asked if there was someone who could translate. She thought I could just wipe my face with a Kleenex with hand sanitizer. Then she suggested to clean with aloe gel and a tissue. Then she agreed to sprinkle some water on a tissue and wipe with that. Frustrated - i asked "don't you do facials here too?? surely you must have some sort of facial cleanser or something!!" She reluctantly walked into the facial room and came out and wiped down my eyebrows. Then they were threaded. Hairs left over - barely trimmed. Pretty 1/2 ass job (unlike my usual lady).
Gripes I have with this place -
After threading my open pores are rubbed by hot sweaty fingers - over and over. Its a nice thought but the hands are not clean! And warmth after waxing/threading is NOT what you want. I always break out after. ew.
Not consistent with the shape. Whatever.
My last visit - I went to the restroom after I was done with my eyebrows to wash my hands (as I always do) and I HEARD the sound of cockroaches running for their lives. Some were bold and didn't care that I was there and continued about their business on the slimy uncleaned toilet with splattermarks. There were also several smashed roached all over the floors. So - let me get this straight. You see cockroaches - smash them - and LEAVE THEM AND THEIR GUTS all over your businesses floor!? Wouldn't you - at the very least - want to clean them up and spray a line of raid? How about wash the brown and yellow grime off of the toilet and nearby walls?! This is a business you are trying to run here!!
That's enough of my rant. I wont be going back. *shudders*