This is just for vap users! Selection sux, service was not great nor were they informational about their own products. They couldn't even figure out how to get the vape I bought to work after spending $60. I'm going back to flavor vapor off mockingbird. Their rock stars compared to puff and stuff.
Review Source:This is specifically for their e-cig/vape products so disregard if you're not coming here for that. They have an excellent selection for 1st time buyers, but their inventory dramatically changes every few weeks. For example, you'll buy an atomizer, they'll tell you this is their best/main one they carry, then a week later they'll look at you like, "what the fuck is that shit?" Also, they're big on up-selling so you may walk out with an e-cig that looks like the Terminator's man-parts and have strangers wondering if you're puffing on a vibrator, so beware.
<a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ecavape1.com&s=f878ed5bde487ad417250dd6687565125f2302d4776a861cea6f0039fcd0b002" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.ecavape1.com</a> is a much better store for vaping with a Vape Bar and a friendly staff--downside, it's clear the fuck across town.