I have been in to see Genie a couple of times and I will go back for more.I really feel like how  I connected with them and they understand me.I also like the price structure and how I can afford more ink.I think that her tattoo experience and understanding of hygiene give her the highest grades for me.
Review Source:Just look at her portfolio folks. Its really that simple if you are not blind. Don't be dazzled by the super-sterile talk. Almost all legit shops have pretty high sterilization standards. Also, dont be dazzled by the high quality flash artwork done by someone else. Look at the actual pictures of her work before deciding. If yo look at it and truly think its good, than more power to you.
There is no excuse for getting a bad tattoo in the bay area. The area is literally swarming with top notch artists. There is no excuse for getting a bad tattoo in Vallejo either. The work done at Pop's is excellent.
I can't stop mentioning how much I love the ladies at Red Genie :)
For the lonnnnngest I can remember I've been wanting my lip pierced! Finally, last weekend Elaine pierced my lip for me for $50. Yes $50. It is healing beautifully but for some reason people like to argue with me about how much I paid.... well.. Here's my thoughts. I could have spent $0 to do the piercing myself and use an old piece of jewelry I have... or had Jim Bob do it in his living room... but then I'd spend, I don't know, TOO MUCH in medical costs once my lip got infected and fell off!
No, I love being here. Everything is sterile and they show you and explain it every single time. Every-Single-Time. So that $50 is going towards a piece of mind knowing that my body is being punctured by only the cleanest pieces of equipment they have. Also included in the price is their phenomenal customer service. And I did happen to take the ball out of my ring but I took it to them and they put it back no charge with sterile equipment once again. *sigh* Â if there were ever anyone to trust my body to piercings it would be Miss Elaine. Thank you darling.