I wandered in with an idea that wasn't really straight forward. I looked at the artists' books and when I saw designs in one, I saw an artist whom I thought could pull off my idea. I am strongly drawn to that which is not as it appears, and wanted my design to reflect that notion. I wanted a design that the casual observer would see and think, "Lovely design," but that folk who knew what they were looking at would smirk, and grin, and say, "Huh, cool," and walk on. The book that drew me in was Dylan's. He took his time with the drawing and was patient while I had him go back for changes until it rang true for me. The resulting tattoo pleases me greatly. The line work is stellar; the dimension is really cool; and what I hoped would be has come to fruition. I don't have to cover a tattoo, the content of which is really NOT what most people think they're seeing. Ah, grin....Dylan, you rock, mon!
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