It's always a treat to be able to have some of the top artists from around the world all in one place (Jess Yen, Shunho-Horitoshi family, Diau An, and some of the local shops such as Last Rites, Sacred Heart, and Flying Rite just to name a few). Nonetheless to have such a plethora of talent in one roof is always something to appreciate for any enthusiast or newbie. The convention gives you an opportunity to actually get some work done from some of these respective artists that you normally wouldn't have the chance to because of their shop location or the long waiting list because of availability (some of these artists are booked up by more than a year).
The convention also offers any newbie a substantial selection of artists to choose from for that first ink or piercing. Aside from the many shops, there's also vendors present selling supplies, books, and machines. Even if you were just curious and unsure on whether getting inked was for you, being able to see an actual session can help give you a better idea of what the experience maybe like.
I'm certain the convention changes venue regularly, but on this 15th annual event, it was held at the Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan. The convention was a bit smaller than I expected, but this was my first tattoo convention, so what do I know? I didn't know what to expect, so I didn't book any appointments with any artists in advance. Just wanted to see and take in the sights.
Other than being smaller than I expected, everything else was as expected:
Rattling sounds of coil guns filled the air.
Artists from all over the country and the world were lined up with locally-based artists.
Clients proudly laid in position for their choice artists.
Tattooees proudly showed off their work.
Unique art, gothic art, classic art, flash and other bright colors overloaded the visual senses.
Now for my personal experiences here:
I finally got to see hand tapping artists at work, in person.
I finally got my lobes and tragus stretched...and at a bargain!
I finally met Paul Booth! Although his gallery/shop is in NYC, I've never met His Darkness.
I didn't stick around long enough to see the results of the tattoo contests and I only caught the beginning of the side show. The venue did serve alcohol and food, but of course, it was on the pricy side. There were no in-and-outs and the 9th Avenue International Food Festival was right outside the door. Had to go!