I got a tattoo here 3 years ago. The staff were very nice. But, the tattoo was just ok not great line work was shaky. I have seen way better quality work. Like Los Angeles with booming tattoo artists. I got the stars  he did covered with an amazing portrait and added another one to my arm. The guy who did my tattoos now is in inked magazine and knows LA Ink Stars. He is doing a art project with Ink Master  TV Show winning artist.
Review Source:I came in with an untattooable elbow. Although it was not terminal I cursed god everyday for my naked elbow. Why lord! Did I deserve this unbearable and hideous affliction usually reserved for the truly grotesque . Sammys reaction was. I've heard of this once a long time ago in a dark little town on the northern plains of Canada. He warned me about what it could do to a man if he was to look at it too long. It was utterly horrific.After consulting some shaman masters from his apprentiship he declared . I sir can cure you of this god forsaken deformity. As he began some ancient ritual,shurly only known by a highly trained master , we began my transformation from a hideously deformed shell of a man to a man with hope as I was remidied by the needle over and over. A few more ancient chants an a smoke or two and I yes Dare I say I had a bitchen most fabulous volcano , errupting with smoke and brimstone. To Sammy I say only 200.00 ? Wad data f'n crazy I pay more than that for my Thorazine . In closing I would say he can cure you of naked skin quite well . Thanks Sammy!
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