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    Went here to get two lobe piercings and a tragus piercing. The piercing part was cool and he was a cool dude, but what came later was horrible. I guess he didn't think about my ears swelling up after the piercing when he recommended my jewelry. My ears got huge and the jewelry backs got stuck inside my lobe..he tightened the posts so tight that they couldn't be unscrewed, even with pliers..ended up having to pull the jewelry through (almost gauging my ears) after, I tried to put normal earrings in the holes but they were too big from having to pull the jewelry through. The piercer sucked at picking out jewelry is the moral of the story. Go to Vice & Virtue instead of this place..they're awesome and have much better jewelry.

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    I'm going to start with the most obnoxious part:  I've had tattoos done all over the world.  Now that that's out of the way, I want to tell you why I've never rated a tattoo shop or an artist with five stars but why I'm bestowing this on Shane: He's  AMAZEBALLS!

    The scene:  I'm in Atlanta for the first time and I almost always commemorate such experiences with a tattoo.  I'm asking about going to (Insert Unmentionable Competitor's shop) and the guy at the check-in counter was like "Wait, I know this amazing guy - we should see if he could take you".  And, as it turns out, he could.  Because it's not a friggin' payday.

    I wanted to add a phoenix to a design I already had on my chest.  I came in with a clear idea of what I wanted, and Shane gave his advice and we slightly modified it.  This was my largest tattoo and I'm not going to lie and say it didn't hurt - the sternum isn't exactly the most fun place to tattoo - but Shane kept me distracted and got it done in about 90 minutes.

    I love everything about his work  - he's humble, talented, has a steady hand and an eye for what's going to look great.   I've got a few more ideas about "what's next" and if I'm back in town, it'll be 10th Street Tattoo I'm calling to get it done!

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    i don't get a tattoo from just anyone (i learned enough about that in my younger years) because that person is going to leave a mark on me for life.  
    in the time (which is hours and hours upon excruciating hours) that i've spent under the needle of Mark Mcgee, i'm glad to say that i've found a true artist that is chock full of integrity.  not once has he blown me off with a bullshit excuse, and has been honest about outcome, money and time.

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    I was tattooed recently by Jevon so I felt that warranted an update.

    I came in with a pretty solid idea of what I wanted and source material in hand (an evil cupcake, for those curious). He tweaked it a bit, but generally stayed true to the original. This is one of the few tattoos that I've been pretty stubborn about what I wanted and he took it in stride. I was expecting the actual tattoo to hurt a bit more because part of it was on my collarbone. I've been tattooed enough to know where's going to sting a little and where I can just take a nap.

    To my surprise, it barely bothered me. He was quick, light, and kept me laughing. I even did yawn a few times and had to check to see where he was tattooing because I knew it was *supposed* to hurt more. From the time he put the stencil on to getting bandaged, it was less than an hour. Not bad at all. I'd recommend him with absolute confidence.

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    **CLOSED (well, as far as I'm concerned)**

    It's a sad sad day, as Mr. Patrick Carmack has taken up residency in Austin... Buh bye my little morself of convenience!

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