Everybody knows that this is the place teenagers can go to get tattooed. Â When you're fifteen/sixteen it seems like a really good option, but I'm telling you - don't do it. All I can go by is my own experience, which was bad. They wouldn't do the work that I brought in to have them do. At the time they said the design would stretch, but lots of more talented artists have told me this isn't the case, I think they just didn't want the challenge. The place is clean but it still looks kind of grungy. I ended up getting something I didn't really want because of pressure (Which I admit is my own fault) but the ink has already faded more significantly than it should.
I guess it's fine if you're really desperate to get a tattoo underage, or if you're getting something simple and preferably black. All in all, though, I would find a shop with a reputation for something other than tattooing teens.